Take part in our research
Find out more about taking part in the HELIOS-BD project and receive updates as our research progresses
We are currently recruiting participants for the following research studies:
Investigating light sensitivity in bipolar disorder
University of Edinburgh
​​​​​​We are recruiting adults with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and adults without bipolar disorder. Study participants must live in Scotland.
What you will do
You will attend several study visits between the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and University of Edinburgh:
Baseline visit: 60-minute appointment to answer questions about your day-to-day activities and sleep
Part A: Two consecutive overnight stays at the Clinical Research Facility to measure hormone response to a night-time light experiment
Part B: Two 2-3 hour sessions to test colour perception and responses to visual stimuli
Part C: Three 1-1.5 hour appointments to image your eyes, spread out over an 18 month period
You will be reimbursed for your time and travel expenses if you take part.
Find out more
To find out more, please read the Participant Information Sheet here: HELIOS-BD Participant Information V7 PDF
To take part, send us an email at HeliosBD@ed.ac.uk or call the study team on 07788 512 143
Additional study materials
HELIOS-BD Study Poster: click here to view or download
HELIOS-BD Information Leaflet: click here to view or download
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