Inner Landscapes
A window into the inner world of people living with bipolar disorder.
Using AI-generated art to express the experience of people living with bipolar disorder
How do you see light?
Exhibit 1: NHS Research Scotland Conference
These pieces of AI-generated art depict the inner experience of people living with Bipolar Disorder. These were exhibited at the NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Mental Health Annual Scientific Meeting in October 2023.
Exhibit 2: Light and Mood
These pieces of AI-generated art depict the experience of light during different mood states in Bipolar Disorder. These images were generated from short text descriptions provided by the HELIOS-BD Lived Experience Advisory Panel.
Exhibit 3: Seasonality of Symptoms
These pieces of AI-generated art depict the shifts in mood, and possibly light and colour perception, experienced by people with Bipolar Disorder as the seasons change. These images were generated from short text descriptions provided by the HELIOS-BD Lived Experience Advisory Panel.